This 237 page book was originally published in 1920 in Chicago.
A simple, comprehensive, illustrated manual of instruction on motorcycles, their operation, adjustment and repair. Including many practical hints for the motorcyclist and mechanic. Also included information on accessories, ignition systems and carburetion. Detailed illustrations of Harley-Davidson, Indian, Excelsior, Henderson. By John B. Rathbun. Originally published in 1920. 237 pages
This 237 page book was originally published in 1920 in Chicago.
A simple, comprehensive, illustrated manual of instruction on motorcycles, their operation, adjustment and repair. Including many practical hints for the motorcyclist and mechanic. Also included information on accessories, ignition systems and carburetion. Detailed illustrations of Harley-Davidson, Indian, Excelsior, Henderson. By John B. Rathbun. Originally published in 1920. 237 pages